Stand: U700
Formerly The New Title Showcase, The PubMatch Bookshelf is The London Book Fair's only official exhibit for publishers and authors to place their books and eBooks front and center for LBF's active audience. Books from all over the world and in every genre will be represented, and all titles on display have available rights.
Each print book will be displayed face out, with eBooks being displayed on large monitors. Information for each title will be housed in the exhibit’s catalogue, along with each company or author’s contact information so users can inquire directly with the user.
I am thrilled to announce that my new book ‘SO THIS IS LOVE – COLLECTED POEMS’ will be showcased at The PubMatch Bookshelf. At present my eBook is available on the link below for viewing. This year the LBF will be held from the 8th to the 11th of April, 2014. I would appreciate the support of all my followers.